Thursday, May 3, 2012

Propaganda Analysis

Propaganda: Octopus surrounding the world.
Description of the Propaganda:
In this poster an octopus is show surrounding the world. This has stereotypes, like ugly and how 1 Jew can be compared to an octopus and take over the world. The features like the big nose and the Star of David above his head, symbolizing that he is a Jew. They put the ink to symbolize that they are going to use it to blind you like how an octopus uses its ink in danger or when it’s scared. But in this case it will use it to scare.
The message they are trying to send is fear with there ugly face and how they are going to blind you with there kindness (the “ink”) and then strike like a cobra. Also, they are going for anger because they don’t want there land taken away, destroyed, or become slaves. I wouldn’t see why the Jews wouldn’t take over Nazi Germany because they are treated so badly and unfairly.
Propaganda Technique #1: Make it Big and Not about the truth
They made it big by showing how a giant octopus can cover the entire earth. For 1 thing an octopus is too small to fit around the earth and I don’t know why people believed in this. It is probably because people they are just plain out stupid. The people that hurt them hurt them more then the Jews would have hurt them. The Jews that were small and poor are the ones that shouldn’t be thrown in the concentration camps because they would be weak and brittle and can’t even hurt a fly. In fact none of them should have gotten thrown in.
 Propaganda technique #2: Repetition
In every poster you see they would have put in the feature of being ugly and big nosed. Also, they go for anger and fear like in this poster. These are put in all of the posters but in different ways or be switched with other techniques.

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