Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Legal drinking at 18 is a No Go

Underage drinking is not acceptable, but will always happen no matter what the age of legal age of drinking is. I say we should keep the drinking age at 21 for a couple of reasons it saves many lives everyday. People say that that it would be better to lower it to eighteen as long as they have a drinking permit.
  One reason they should leave the drinking at age 21 is because it saves 800 lives a year. If you lower it at eighteen more kids will be drinking on the road and that will lead to more fatal accidents. Binge drinking mixed with driving is not a good idea being drunk can blur your vision and you have to see on the road to drive correctly.
People think it should be lowered to eighteen because you're classified as an "adult" now. Most people don't stop maturing until age 25. If you drink to much before then you can mess up your growth process. Kids 13 and up these days can actually pull of 18 but they can not pull of 21. Even if they did lower the age to 18 you would have to take all these classes and spend all this money that people most likely don't have just to drink # years earlier.

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