Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lower Drinking Age.... YES !

By: freethehops

Lower Drinking Age To 18!
              So, people are talking about how whether we should keep the drinking age at 21 or lower it to 18. A lot of people think that if they are going to lower the drinking age, might ad well get a drinking permit also. Another side believes that they should keep the drinking age at 21 so there will be less accidents and people dying. I honestly don’t agree with either side. I’m not just saying this because I’m a kid, but I think the drinking age should be lowered to 18 without the use or need of a permit.
              Being able to sign up for the army is a very big and MATURE step for a lot of people at the age of 18. So why should they not be able to have a beer, or a glass of wine? Not to the point of binge drinking, but at least go out and have 1 or 2 drinks. I mean they are risking their lives to save our country, they don’t have to! So why not let 18 year old people drink? They obviously are mature enough to handle face to face to death. Why not have a couple beers?
              Also, getting a permit doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get into a fight, accident, etc. Just because you have a permit or take classes to be allowed to drink, people automatically assume that they are experts at drinking and driving. This will make more people get into crashes and losing their lives.
              Another reason why I think the drinking age should be lowered is because the law states that being 18 means you are legally an adult. You are allowed to move out from your parents LEGALLY at 18. So if they are known for as being adults, why not let ADULTS drink. Yeah, it may just be a three year difference, but that is being bias to adults from the ages 18-20.

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