Thursday, May 10, 2012

Group Work is Just Fine

Group Work  is something we learned as small children such as, restroom buddies or playground partners.
Group work can make work go by a lot quicker if all the group members work equally. It isn't going to work that well if just one person does all the work. Most sports consist of having a team or a group of players to win games, there is no I in team. Being in school you always have to do group projects, it's supposed to get us ready for adult life. Teachers always say, " You're not going to always work with someone you like but you just have to learn to cooperate. I kinda hate that saying because sometimes if I didn't like the person I really didn't want to cooperate either, I just ended up getting over it.
  People complain about how group work is bad and makes people lazy. They say this because if there is three people in the group and only 2 people do all the work it isn't fair they all get the same grade. If you picked your partner and he acted like that it was your own fault you knew how that person was before you grouped up. If your teacher picked him to be in a group with you and you are still having this problem then tell your teacher about the problem. Team work or Group Work isn't that bad like I said it makes time go by faster and everyone has an equal share of the work. Then its not all on you and you're bored. Nothing is wrong with a little bit of diversity.

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