If you ever live long enough to see a Zombie Apocalypse here are some types!
Get A Good Car!
If you ever ever ever live long enough to see Zombies find a good car. You will need a car that would be able to drive you far places and withhold dead people jumping on it. I would choose a jeep or a hummer!
GUNS !!!!!
Get guns! LOTS! Enough to carry you for a long time. Go raid a Sporting Goods. Like Big Five!
They have guns, get bullets and guns. Like an M-16! It will last a while and they shoot at a good distance.
If guns don't work then get knifes!
Be Strong!
There is a good chance that people will get sick. So if you can find two or three people that can walk around with you just in case you get sick or get bite. They will take care of you properly.
If you are planning on running away from Zombies then you will have to be fast and fit.
Sad to say, but the chuncky people that get tired will go first. Especially because there is more meat.
I'm not saying that you need to run but if you do then your going to have to be fast and strong.
If you do get a good car and you are in the run from a Zombie crowd then you will have to buckle up. It may not seem important at the time but if you come to a quick stop or a fast turn then if your buckled then there is a less chance of flying out of the glass.
Keep your house close to a store. So just in case you run out of food you can walk to the store and have your guns handy so you can attack any Zombies on your way over there. Keeping food is good so you won't go hungry or sick.
Friday, June 1, 2012
How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
Never Go Out At Night:
You never should go out at night during one. You don't want to be out in the dark and a zombie popping out at you and eating your brains. After that the survivors or what ever will worry about you and wonder about you, go outside to look, and probably get eaten to so there will be less humans in the world.
Never Go Out Alone:
This is as same as the one above but this is where the survivors come in handy. They could get your back while you can be getting Twinkies. While walking down an alley you can have some one to talk to.
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Credit to : Martin Whitmore |
If there ever was a zombie apocalypse (which there will probably not be one) I will tell you how you could survive one. You would need weapons and others to help you. Also, find a safe house that you all could fit in. Never go out at night and never go out alone.
To survive the hordes of zombies that come at you, you need weapons. A gun could be handy at fighting them off. Like an assault rifle. Don't be going around hitting a zombie with a inflatable baseball bat you would get at a carnival. Use a real bat. When using the weapon try and hit their brain/head.
Safe House:
Also, you would need a safe house to stay at most of the time. A place were you could live with food, weapons, and a source of energy. For example, Target or Walmart. They both have energy sources and food. The only thing bad about Target is that they don't have much weapons. Also, while your there you would have to check for survivors and zombies. You will have to board up the doors and make sure no one goes close to them.
Friends or Survivors:
You need to find at least a couple survivors or friends you can trust. They could help you fight the zombies. Also, you would need them so you won't feel alone and scared that something might pop out at you.Never Go Out At Night:
You never should go out at night during one. You don't want to be out in the dark and a zombie popping out at you and eating your brains. After that the survivors or what ever will worry about you and wonder about you, go outside to look, and probably get eaten to so there will be less humans in the world.
Never Go Out Alone:
This is as same as the one above but this is where the survivors come in handy. They could get your back while you can be getting Twinkies. While walking down an alley you can have some one to talk to.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
How to survive a tornado!
If you have ever been in a tornado and have lived to tell people about your story then you understand how horrible they can be if your not prepared. Tornadoes are like earthquakes. They are both common. If you ever experience a tornado and dont know how to survive it. Follow these 5 steps.
Step 1: Learn about them!
You can’t survive a tornado if you don't know what they are. You have to educate yourself about them. Go to the library get some books so something. A tornado is a powerful column of winds spiraling around a center of low atmospheric pressure. The wind is so powerful is can blow a mansion away or completely destroy it. They say tornadoes are nature’s most violent storms. So educate yourself before you come crossing down a tornado.
Step 2: Get prepared
If you live somewhere, where tornadoes are common then get prepared. For example I lived in Minnesota and there tornadoes are common. I’m not just going to sit there waiting for it to come. I’m going to prepare a tornado safety kit. In this kit you can include items such as bottled waters, blankets, clothes, food, batteries, and a radio. You never know when a tornado can come so you better prepare before hand. You should keep your safety kit in a tornado safety room or just the safest room.
Just understand how horrible they can be if your not prepared.
Step 3: Know the warning signs
Step 1: Learn about them!
You can’t survive a tornado if you don't know what they are. You have to educate yourself about them. Go to the library get some books so something. A tornado is a powerful column of winds spiraling around a center of low atmospheric pressure. The wind is so powerful is can blow a mansion away or completely destroy it. They say tornadoes are nature’s most violent storms. So educate yourself before you come crossing down a tornado.
Step 2: Get prepared
If you live somewhere, where tornadoes are common then get prepared. For example I lived in Minnesota and there tornadoes are common. I’m not just going to sit there waiting for it to come. I’m going to prepare a tornado safety kit. In this kit you can include items such as bottled waters, blankets, clothes, food, batteries, and a radio. You never know when a tornado can come so you better prepare before hand. You should keep your safety kit in a tornado safety room or just the safest room.
Just understand how horrible they can be if your not prepared.
Step 3: Know the warning signs
People that live where tornadoes usually hit don’t really have time to prepare. They never know when it will come. Even though this happens most people have a emergency tornado supplies. People who have these usually leave them in a safe room where the tornado can’t get them. If you want to survive you have to know the waning signs. The people that don’t have kits just wait until they see warnings that a tornado will occur. Some signs are weather changes. You have to pay attention to see if any sudden weather changes occur. For example if it’s like 45 degrees then its 101 degrees. That’s weird! If a tornado has happened close to where you live there’s a chance that it will hit where you live next. SO watch these signs.
Step 4 : Seek shelter
If a tornado occurs when you’re outside the first thing you need to do is seek shelter. You will die if you’re outside. If your inside in a safe place there is a chance you will survive. In most places where tornados occur there is usually a room down stairs where the tornado doesn’t hit. If there is one of those in your house that’s the safest place. If you don’t have one go to a restroom, closet or any other room that is windowless and has very little furniture in it. If you are driving when a tornado hits pull over and lay down where there is a whole or a ditch.
Step 5: hold on tight
If a tornado is really strong hole on to something that most likely wont break or come flying out. Hold on to it very tight. Do not release until the wind is calm and you feel is not going to come back that same day. When the tornado has struck don’t try and save some of your personal items. That can distract you to release what you’re holding on to and come flying with the tornado. Its either you save yourself or your items.
If you live in an area where these storms are common follow these steps above. Some people say you can still die but by following the above guide, you can at least try and stay one step ahead of the storm.
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Photo by: editor64 |
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
How to Survive Dumb Questions
"Kasaan, do you eat like everyday?" That was a dumb question, everyone in the world is going to be asked at least ten dumb questions in their life. Sometimes they can be very nerve wrecking, you have to learn how to get around or handle these dumb question situations better. I have five main instructions in how to survive dumb questions.
Figure out the level of dumbness
When being asked a dumb question it can be dumb for many reasons such as, them knowing the answer already, them being to young to know logic, the mood you're in, and how they ask you.
They can ask, "Why are pillows soft?" My answer to that would be, "Do you want a hard pillow so your neck could hurt in the morning pillows are soft for comfort, if you wanted a hard pillow you might as well sleep on a rock." You just have to keep your temper and not approach it all hostile. Tell them in a quiet tone or tell them to search it.
Figure out how to answer dumb questions politely
People are going to sometimes ask you dumb questions because they might think it's humorous or just to get on your nerves. To deal with this you have to be polite no matter what, KEEP CALM. If you answer politely they'll find it less humorous because you answered in such a calm fashion. If you are already upset and they just ask you something ridiculous like, "What if you stubbed your toe on the moon would it be one sixth of the pain you'd feel if you were on earth?"Answer politely figure out what they are trying to accomplish by asking you this question. If you give them a reasonable explanation they'll feel dumb wasting their breath asking you.
Learn how to avoid dumb questions(If possible)
Parents even ask dumb questions not even knowing if it was logical to ask or not. They ask questions like, "I know you just came back from skateboarding but have you seen the comb i was just using?" To prevent getting asked dumb questions always have in earphones that way people wont even bother to talk to you. Next, don't speak to people who ask dumb questions on a regular. If you do speak to them you must like dumb questions and getting frustrated. Try to stay away from dumb question situations.
Tell the person how you feel about them asking that question and to them never put you in the predicament again.
Once you are asked a dumb question and you are just having a bad day and don't want to hear it. Grab them by their shoulders lightly look into their eyes and say, "That was dumb don't ever ever ask a question so dumb again, Thank you." They'll understand after that. You can also tell them, "Think before you speak."
Try to find the humor in the question
If you are asked a dumb question by a close friend just laugh, go along with them and it'll make the situation easier. Once you laugh with them you can find the positive side of dumb questions and make it not such a big problem.
If you get a dumb question asked to you follow these steps and you can survive dumb questions. One of the steps is the key to survival for one of your dumb question situation. My steps have been proven to stop hair loss and mind numbing upsetness.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/acearchie/ has the photo credit.
Figure out the level of dumbness
When being asked a dumb question it can be dumb for many reasons such as, them knowing the answer already, them being to young to know logic, the mood you're in, and how they ask you.
They can ask, "Why are pillows soft?" My answer to that would be, "Do you want a hard pillow so your neck could hurt in the morning pillows are soft for comfort, if you wanted a hard pillow you might as well sleep on a rock." You just have to keep your temper and not approach it all hostile. Tell them in a quiet tone or tell them to search it.
Figure out how to answer dumb questions politely
People are going to sometimes ask you dumb questions because they might think it's humorous or just to get on your nerves. To deal with this you have to be polite no matter what, KEEP CALM. If you answer politely they'll find it less humorous because you answered in such a calm fashion. If you are already upset and they just ask you something ridiculous like, "What if you stubbed your toe on the moon would it be one sixth of the pain you'd feel if you were on earth?"Answer politely figure out what they are trying to accomplish by asking you this question. If you give them a reasonable explanation they'll feel dumb wasting their breath asking you.
Learn how to avoid dumb questions(If possible)
Parents even ask dumb questions not even knowing if it was logical to ask or not. They ask questions like, "I know you just came back from skateboarding but have you seen the comb i was just using?" To prevent getting asked dumb questions always have in earphones that way people wont even bother to talk to you. Next, don't speak to people who ask dumb questions on a regular. If you do speak to them you must like dumb questions and getting frustrated. Try to stay away from dumb question situations.
Tell the person how you feel about them asking that question and to them never put you in the predicament again.
Once you are asked a dumb question and you are just having a bad day and don't want to hear it. Grab them by their shoulders lightly look into their eyes and say, "That was dumb don't ever ever ask a question so dumb again, Thank you." They'll understand after that. You can also tell them, "Think before you speak."
Try to find the humor in the question
If you are asked a dumb question by a close friend just laugh, go along with them and it'll make the situation easier. Once you laugh with them you can find the positive side of dumb questions and make it not such a big problem.
If you get a dumb question asked to you follow these steps and you can survive dumb questions. One of the steps is the key to survival for one of your dumb question situation. My steps have been proven to stop hair loss and mind numbing upsetness.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/acearchie/ has the photo credit.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
How To Survive When Your Grounded
Being Grounded
Life is not easy and so there's many things you have to learn how to survive. One thing you need to learn how to get through is being grounded. Being grounded is horrible.
You have to learn how to immediately get home after school, stay home on the weekends and watch in misery as all your friends are having fun going out. If that's not enough torture, when I'm in trouble and get grounded my parents take my luxury's away. My phone and my laptop go bye bye.
Then since your parents are upset with you whenever something needs to be done around the house guess who has the honor of doing it ? No not your other siblings that are probably sleeping in but you.
Survival Guide
When your grounded the best thing to do is do whatever your parents ask without one word. If you argue with them they just get more upset so it's best to do it quickly but do it right. Don't even say as much as the word okay because it might come off as "attitude" but if you do dare respond do it as cheerfully as possible.
Also its best to not even look at them. Well you can look at them but when they ask for something don't make a sour face or any dramatic faces. Smile or at least try to keep a straight face with them so ther's no scene.
If you want to get off of your life sentence early do extra too.Randomly do the dishes or walk the dog. That will look good and maybe get you a day off or something. Even if it doesn't at least you can say you did something.
Be nice no matter what kind of mood they are in. Help them with the littlest things and even ask about their day. If you do ask though, make sure you actually listen.
When your friends are talking about what their doing or how last weekend was just stop listening and think of happy thoughts. Another thing is to tell your friends you're grounded so they don't get mad or upset when you don't text them back or go to the movies with everyone.
The last thing you need to defeat is any temptation. I always have those thoughts about sneaking into my parents room and taking my phone or laptop back but then my common sense comes back because if I get caught I just add more time to my imprisonment. Definitely don't try to sneak out because that usually never works or at least for me it doesn't. Really just take your grounded time and turn it into the time that you will really focus on your school work or help around the house.
Learn From Your Punishment
As much torture as it is you have to learn to take it and once your done being grounded make sure the next time you get to go out you really have fun. Also whatever you did to get grounded in the first place make sure you learn your lesson. Well hopefully you get more out of this then I do because even I don't always follow my own advice but really who does ? So when your grounded help out without attitude, or looks, be nice, ignore anything you can't do or couldn't do from your friends and fight back temptation.
Photo Credit To : Nicolasconnault
Surviving The Living Dead

If you have miraculously survived the first couple of days in a zombie outbreak, here are a couple tips on keeping your brain in your head and your flesh on your bones.
1. The first crucial tip for surviving is food. If you want to survive anything you will always need food. I bet the first place anyone would go to to get food is a super market. Thats the bad part, everyone would go there so unless it's the size of a foot ball stadium, I would suggest not going there, at least until everything has toned down a little bit. I would say the best place to go to is other houses, I mean they're every were and there's also a pretty good chance that they have canned goods or other necessities. Also small liquor stores wouldn't be a bad idea or gas stations.
2. One of the most important parts of surviving a zombie apocalypse is defense against them, weapons. If you're thinking huge shotguns and huge machine guns you're probably wrong, because unless you're fighting a town, you don't have to all out Rambo on them. The problem with guns is that they have a limited supply of ammo, need maintenance regularly, and just too loud. Don't get me wrong, it is crucial to have a gun, but it's a bit overkill and should only be used if you need to. A good weapon would be something silent, easy to maintain, and relatively light. Like a good melee weapon, I would say a base ball bat or a machete, maybe put some razors or barbed wire on the baseball bat for extra fun, but if thats not your style well then maybe you can pick up a bow or a crossbow, because they are silent, relatively light, and retrievable ammo. Pretty much anything that will cause some major damage to someones head, and is dependable, is a good weapon.
3. The third step, Proper attire. Now just because there aren't any people around doesn't mean that you have to straight to the mall and get the latest fashion, because no one's is going to be around to care, except zombies. What you need to wear is something thick, or layers of clothes, maybe try to find something light, that would with stand a couple of bites, because when you find yourself cornered by some walkers in an alley, layers count, because zombie teeth aren't made of Teddie bears. Your hair, you might see it as a long and luscious lion mane, but zombies, zombies see your lion mane as a handle, in which to jerk you back and make a meal out of your not so smart brain, because you should cut your hair, or crop it back.
4. If your stranded in a city and looking for a place to spend the night, don't just go anywhere, because that Walmart might be infested with fat Mcdonalds loving zombies that want to make a happy meal out of your face. Go to high ground like a sky scraper, not an apartment building, because the tenets could be, you know, zombies. Back to that sky scraper, now getting in may be a problem, but only if the place is covered with 'em, obviously, but you should probably only go if the whole apocalypse thing has died down a little bit, if it hasn't though, well then read step 5
5. If the zombie apocalypse is at it's peak and you are struggling to survive or fight off those zombies, well then find a permanent residence, far far away. If your thinking outskirts of town well there are obviously still going to be zombies around. The best place to go would be a tundra, but don't just hit the road without preparing for it, get your camping/tundra supplies and get to it. The reason a tundra is good because it's pretty cold out there, and zombies don't seem to have a lot protection, so it's their problem not yours. But if your not much of a cold person, well then go to a forest, not a camping place with trails but an isolated forest with lots of animals around, so bring your hunting tools and get to it, unless you would like be eaten of course...
Photo credit belongs to Scott Beale
Friday, May 18, 2012
Work Together!
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By : Dr. Chiao-Lin Nien |
In 6th grade I had to pick one partner to work with for a final project that will risk your grade dropping really low. So, I picked my best friend to work on it with me. Not knowing that she was going to get sick the week we needed to work on it...I had to do most of the work by myself and we both got the same grade for it. With me doing all the work ever since then I hated working in groups. Yeah, we got a good grade but it still made me a little angry.
Not everyone hates to work together. I was reading on I Love Team Work, that team work is a great way to keep your mind focused and moving. What fools! Working in a group will make you lose focus because someone will start talking about how their weekend was or how much drama they have, always something to make the other team members get less focused.
If working together is supposed to make us smarter than why is it that a lot of people that work in groups get low or bad scores on their projects. Also a lot of groups may do bad work because they couldn't get it done so they rush at the last minute.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
scape goat
Have you looked down the street and you see all these people who are overweight, and you're like, "seriously why is our whole country overweight". The answer to this question is because advertising and food all around us, and it's not just the U.S., it's all over the world. For instance, let's say you're really hungry just walking down the street and you see a Mcdonalds and then you remember you can make a pretty good sandwich at your own house, but you're already there so why not, besides it's pretty cheap. The conclusion is, one of the contributing factors of obesity is cheap, fatty, convenient, fast food.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Description of Propaganda: Hideous, he's a spider and spiders are looked down on because, their spiders. Trying to say they are large and this giant problem is spreading, and once again he has quite a large nose.
Message of the propaganda: the message of this piece of propaganda is that Jews are trying to take over their country and you should probably do something about it because we are in their web. Jews are bad people and your help is needed to get rid of them. Jews are disgusting because they are portrayed as spiders and spiders are usually very gross.
Propaganda technique one: Emotions, disgust and anger, kinda like "look at this hideous thing and we're letting this ugly thing control us come on guys
Propaganda technique two: Make it big; it's a giant spider thats on the verge of taking over Germany and other countries, and its web is enormous
disturbing to say the least

Something I find disturbing is this weird and demented show called toddlers and tiaras where parents (mostly insane mothers) take their 3-6 year old little girls and do really weird things to their appearance they describe as pretty or beautiful. the reason this disturbs me is because the question of why would any body do this ever in history of anything? Like this show is disgusting i so many ways, like making babies look like Barbie dolls, just ugh. There are even some who get plastic surgery and breast implants...freaking breast implants, at 3 years old, are you kidding me? Nope not kidding. Unless this show is killed with fire and angry mobs, I've lost all hope in humanity, or our generation.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Group Work Good or Bad
Group work is a good thing because it shows that people could work together and show responsibility. The bad things about it is that you might get paired up with lazy people or people that are to "busy." One time when at my elementary school (Citrus Elementary School) we had to do a group project about the Boreal Forest. I had two other people in my group. We were the first ones done because we knew what we were doing and and we took it seriously. Being in a group can make the project go a lot faster and can be done faster. Since we got done first we did our presentation and got extra credit. So group work could be good if you get it done first.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Group Work
Group work is one of those things that has its positives and negatives. Depending on the group you have and the work that has to get done determines if the whole team work thing will be beneficial.
When you're in class and the teacher says something about group work automatically the first thing is who is going to be in your group. When the teachers allow you to pick your own group that moment of choice will either be a positive one or just a plain stupid one.
When you go chose your friends usually the outcome isn't so great. Instead of working you will be messing around. Most likely the more responsible person of the group will carry all the weight and make sure everything is done properly, even if they have to do it all themselves. The project will probably be like a last minute thing.
This year in my history class we had a project that we could do in groups. We were able to choose our own group so of course I went with my friends and just socialized the whole time instead of brainstorming ideas. We chose what we were each supposed to do and put it all together the day the project was due. I was the one that got the poster board and even touched up their part of the project for a better grade. Next time we had a project I was wiser about everything.
So instead when you don't pick your own group the teacher chooses for you with a sigh from almost everybody after the groups are chosen. If you have the nerdy people in your group your kind of set. Then everybody does their share and does it right. Well really its just as long as you don't have your friends in your group and have people that actually really care about there grades your set.
Anyways depending on the people in your group and the work that has to be done determines how your work will end up being. So if you have the choice make sure you pick the right people.
When you're in class and the teacher says something about group work automatically the first thing is who is going to be in your group. When the teachers allow you to pick your own group that moment of choice will either be a positive one or just a plain stupid one.
When you go chose your friends usually the outcome isn't so great. Instead of working you will be messing around. Most likely the more responsible person of the group will carry all the weight and make sure everything is done properly, even if they have to do it all themselves. The project will probably be like a last minute thing.
This year in my history class we had a project that we could do in groups. We were able to choose our own group so of course I went with my friends and just socialized the whole time instead of brainstorming ideas. We chose what we were each supposed to do and put it all together the day the project was due. I was the one that got the poster board and even touched up their part of the project for a better grade. Next time we had a project I was wiser about everything.
So instead when you don't pick your own group the teacher chooses for you with a sigh from almost everybody after the groups are chosen. If you have the nerdy people in your group your kind of set. Then everybody does their share and does it right. Well really its just as long as you don't have your friends in your group and have people that actually really care about there grades your set.
Anyways depending on the people in your group and the work that has to be done determines how your work will end up being. So if you have the choice make sure you pick the right people.
Group Work could be both good or bad
It depends on who you are working with.If I'm working with some grade A students then group work is good.I don't really have to worry about jack squat because I know in my head that there going to do it because they don't wont to risk getting a horrible grade.I know thats wrong and I don't feel so good about it but hey ,it is what it is.
On the other hand if Im working on some grade F students then group work is the worst.You cant depend on them for anything.There lazy ,good for nothing, busters.All they do is sit around making jokes about the teacher while I work hard to try to get that A.But at the end of the day I'm good as long as I tried my best and I will be happy to let the teachers know that I did all the work.
I also hate when people try to take charge of the project.Like if its like four of us and one person tries to boss everybody around, it drives me nutts.Especially if they try to boss me around.I just quit and dont do nothing.
On the other hand if Im working on some grade F students then group work is the worst.You cant depend on them for anything.There lazy ,good for nothing, busters.All they do is sit around making jokes about the teacher while I work hard to try to get that A.But at the end of the day I'm good as long as I tried my best and I will be happy to let the teachers know that I did all the work.
I also hate when people try to take charge of the project.Like if its like four of us and one person tries to boss everybody around, it drives me nutts.Especially if they try to boss me around.I just quit and dont do nothing.
group work: good or bad?
Ive never really thought of group work as a bad or good thing. I guess some people have. Some people like group work and some people HATE it. The people that hate it don't like it because some people do all the work while the others just sit there and pick their nose. They have a point. The people that like it don't hate it because its less pressure and stress on them. If I had to pick group work would probably be a bad thing.
It would be a bad thing because when you have irresponsible group members that still puts stress on you. People say "yes group work I can get help," but in the end their like " I never want to be in a group." I had and experience when it was the day before the project was due and I did half of the project so it was my "group members" turn. I told her to come pick it up and work on it. She said yes but didnt show which made me have to do it all. I have the type of mom that when I do group projects they do their part at home and I do my part at home. Its the same thing as doing my project alone because even if I do, do group work I eventually end up doing everything.
On the other hand the people that like group work have a point to. Yeah group work sometimes does work out but at times for some people it doesn't. Yeah I have had some good group members but thats when I pick the group. When teachers pick for me i always end up with bad partners.With my experiences I don't like group work as a matter of fact I HATE it!
If you want to learn more about other people and why they hate group work go here.
------> I hate group work !!
It would be a bad thing because when you have irresponsible group members that still puts stress on you. People say "yes group work I can get help," but in the end their like " I never want to be in a group." I had and experience when it was the day before the project was due and I did half of the project so it was my "group members" turn. I told her to come pick it up and work on it. She said yes but didnt show which made me have to do it all. I have the type of mom that when I do group projects they do their part at home and I do my part at home. Its the same thing as doing my project alone because even if I do, do group work I eventually end up doing everything.
On the other hand the people that like group work have a point to. Yeah group work sometimes does work out but at times for some people it doesn't. Yeah I have had some good group members but thats when I pick the group. When teachers pick for me i always end up with bad partners.With my experiences I don't like group work as a matter of fact I HATE it!
If you want to learn more about other people and why they hate group work go here.
------> I hate group work !!
Lower The Drinking Age ?
There has always been a debate and probably always will be a debate about the legal drinking age. Some believe the drinking age should stay at 21, but others think it should be lowered to 18. The drinking age is fine at 21 and doesn't need to be changed.
It shouldn't be lowered because having the drinking age raised saves lives. "Raising the drinking age to 21 saves about eight hundred lives a year." Eight hundred may not seem like much compared to the world but thats eight hundred people who are able to live there lives. Also, there is less people drinking if the legal drinking age stays at 21. "Binge drinking has been steadily going down since the drinking age was raised to 21." Having it raised keeps more people above the influence and makes it harder for teenagers to get their hands on alcohol.
Some people argue that it should only be raised if people receive a drivers permit but that just ridiculous. People aren't going to go to a class and waste their time to learn about safe drinking. Even if they do receive a permit its not like their going to change the way they drink or obey the rules. People that have a drivers lisence still break the laws and get tickets and its pretty much the same thing. Just to go to drinking classes they have to ask permission and really what 18 year old is going to ask their parents if they can attend classes on drinking? That would just be a waste of peoples time and money.
The legal drinking age is fine were it is and shouldn't be changed. Having it at 21 has more benefit's than lowering it to 18. Saving lives and keeping more people above the influence is what we need so leave the legal drinking age alone.
Resources : LA Times
It shouldn't be lowered because having the drinking age raised saves lives. "Raising the drinking age to 21 saves about eight hundred lives a year." Eight hundred may not seem like much compared to the world but thats eight hundred people who are able to live there lives. Also, there is less people drinking if the legal drinking age stays at 21. "Binge drinking has been steadily going down since the drinking age was raised to 21." Having it raised keeps more people above the influence and makes it harder for teenagers to get their hands on alcohol.
Some people argue that it should only be raised if people receive a drivers permit but that just ridiculous. People aren't going to go to a class and waste their time to learn about safe drinking. Even if they do receive a permit its not like their going to change the way they drink or obey the rules. People that have a drivers lisence still break the laws and get tickets and its pretty much the same thing. Just to go to drinking classes they have to ask permission and really what 18 year old is going to ask their parents if they can attend classes on drinking? That would just be a waste of peoples time and money.
The legal drinking age is fine were it is and shouldn't be changed. Having it at 21 has more benefit's than lowering it to 18. Saving lives and keeping more people above the influence is what we need so leave the legal drinking age alone.
Resources : LA Times
Group work
What do you think of when you hear the words group work, because I think of less work, and when I think of less work I realize that I don't like work so I like group work, but not all the time. For instance sometimes in group work the teacher assigns it so that it has big sections for each member which means each and every member has to have a part in it or else the grade given isn't good. When I have to do these ones I don't get exited because I have a history of being lazy, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. Sometimes when I don't do them I get yelled at by my partners because I'm the cause for the D- we got, and sometimes when my partners don't do the work we yell at him because he got us a D-. But most of the time I like group work because I get to work with my friends and sometimes it can show just how responsible you may or may not be.
Group Work is Just Fine
Group Work is something we learned as small children such as, restroom buddies or playground partners.
Group work can make work go by a lot quicker if all the group members work equally. It isn't going to work that well if just one person does all the work. Most sports consist of having a team or a group of players to win games, there is no I in team. Being in school you always have to do group projects, it's supposed to get us ready for adult life. Teachers always say, " You're not going to always work with someone you like but you just have to learn to cooperate. I kinda hate that saying because sometimes if I didn't like the person I really didn't want to cooperate either, I just ended up getting over it.
People complain about how group work is bad and makes people lazy. They say this because if there is three people in the group and only 2 people do all the work it isn't fair they all get the same grade. If you picked your partner and he acted like that it was your own fault you knew how that person was before you grouped up. If your teacher picked him to be in a group with you and you are still having this problem then tell your teacher about the problem. Team work or Group Work isn't that bad like I said it makes time go by faster and everyone has an equal share of the work. Then its not all on you and you're bored. Nothing is wrong with a little bit of diversity.
Group work can make work go by a lot quicker if all the group members work equally. It isn't going to work that well if just one person does all the work. Most sports consist of having a team or a group of players to win games, there is no I in team. Being in school you always have to do group projects, it's supposed to get us ready for adult life. Teachers always say, " You're not going to always work with someone you like but you just have to learn to cooperate. I kinda hate that saying because sometimes if I didn't like the person I really didn't want to cooperate either, I just ended up getting over it.
People complain about how group work is bad and makes people lazy. They say this because if there is three people in the group and only 2 people do all the work it isn't fair they all get the same grade. If you picked your partner and he acted like that it was your own fault you knew how that person was before you grouped up. If your teacher picked him to be in a group with you and you are still having this problem then tell your teacher about the problem. Team work or Group Work isn't that bad like I said it makes time go by faster and everyone has an equal share of the work. Then its not all on you and you're bored. Nothing is wrong with a little bit of diversity.
The Perfect Age
I believe that the legal drinking age should stay the same, at 21, instead of drop to 18. I'm not saying that they are going to go around drinking kegs in the back of trucks, while their hammered friend is driving on the wrong side of the road and running red lights. I'm just saying that the current drinking age of 21 is at a good medium because it is while they are hopefully in college or may have matured more then when they were in high school.
If the legal drinking age was lowered to 18, though, it wouldn't be bad, unless something crazy happened, it's just isn't necessary to change the age when we have already established a good drinking age, so it's just beating a dead horse. Besides if you can't wait three years to drink you are probably going to grow up to be an alcoholic, just saying. Besides I've tasted alcohol and it tastes like vineager, which tastes horrible.
If the legal drinking age was lowered to 18, though, it wouldn't be bad, unless something crazy happened, it's just isn't necessary to change the age when we have already established a good drinking age, so it's just beating a dead horse. Besides if you can't wait three years to drink you are probably going to grow up to be an alcoholic, just saying. Besides I've tasted alcohol and it tastes like vineager, which tastes horrible.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
lower the drinking age?
Theres a debate going on about wether the drinking age should go down to 18 or stay at 21. Some people say to go to 18 but only with your parents permission and also a permit. Some other people say to stay the same because so far its been good with the drinking age of 21. I believe the drinking age should stay at 21.
I believe 21 is the appropriate age because with the age at 21 there is still srunk drivers on the news/T.V. Imagine if it were to go down. OH NO!!!! When your 18 your still immature or at least most people are. Your still a teenager and teenagers have stupid ideas. When your 21 yeah you still have an immature side but you think clearer. Theres not so much problems now so we should keep it that way. The drinking age already used to be 18 and they changed it for a reason. We dont need the same problems to occur as they already did.
Honestley im dissapointed in all those parents or just regular adults wanting the drinking age to be lower. Do they even think of their kids or just kids in general? Kids say "im only going to take a couple sips." Thats just a flat out lie. The people that want the drinking age to be 18 need to think clearer. Whatever's going on in there heads is completely insane.

I believe 21 is the appropriate age because with the age at 21 there is still srunk drivers on the news/T.V. Imagine if it were to go down. OH NO!!!! When your 18 your still immature or at least most people are. Your still a teenager and teenagers have stupid ideas. When your 21 yeah you still have an immature side but you think clearer. Theres not so much problems now so we should keep it that way. The drinking age already used to be 18 and they changed it for a reason. We dont need the same problems to occur as they already did.
Honestley im dissapointed in all those parents or just regular adults wanting the drinking age to be lower. Do they even think of their kids or just kids in general? Kids say "im only going to take a couple sips." Thats just a flat out lie. The people that want the drinking age to be 18 need to think clearer. Whatever's going on in there heads is completely insane.

Legal drinking at 18 is a No Go
Underage drinking is not acceptable, but will always happen no matter what the age of legal age of drinking is. I say we should keep the drinking age at 21 for a couple of reasons it saves many lives everyday. People say that that it would be better to lower it to eighteen as long as they have a drinking permit.
One reason they should leave the drinking at age 21 is because it saves 800 lives a year. If you lower it at eighteen more kids will be drinking on the road and that will lead to more fatal accidents. Binge drinking mixed with driving is not a good idea being drunk can blur your vision and you have to see on the road to drive correctly.
People think it should be lowered to eighteen because you're classified as an "adult" now. Most people don't stop maturing until age 25. If you drink to much before then you can mess up your growth process. Kids 13 and up these days can actually pull of 18 but they can not pull of 21. Even if they did lower the age to 18 you would have to take all these classes and spend all this money that people most likely don't have just to drink # years earlier.
One reason they should leave the drinking at age 21 is because it saves 800 lives a year. If you lower it at eighteen more kids will be drinking on the road and that will lead to more fatal accidents. Binge drinking mixed with driving is not a good idea being drunk can blur your vision and you have to see on the road to drive correctly.
People think it should be lowered to eighteen because you're classified as an "adult" now. Most people don't stop maturing until age 25. If you drink to much before then you can mess up your growth process. Kids 13 and up these days can actually pull of 18 but they can not pull of 21. Even if they did lower the age to 18 you would have to take all these classes and spend all this money that people most likely don't have just to drink # years earlier.
Is lowering the drinking age a good idea? Some people want to lower the drinking age to 18 because they think it decreases the amount of drinking underage, some people belief it should stay the same. I'm one of those people. Why brake something that isn't broken? Plus, more people may die of drunk driving if they lower it.
Kids may have license to drive at 16 but that doesn't mean they want to have a car. Kids usually might get their first car around 18 or 19 for a graduation present or to go to college. That means they're going to be a little rusty not drinking for two years, and if they lower it to 18 kids
Kids may have license to drive at 16 but that doesn't mean they want to have a car. Kids usually might get their first car around 18 or 19 for a graduation present or to go to college. That means they're going to be a little rusty not drinking for two years, and if they lower it to 18 kids
Keeping the Drinking Age the same
There has been a lot of tension between lowering the drinking age and keeping it the same. I say it should stay at 21. Why would you want to fix something that has nothing to fix about it. If you lower it there will be more deaths because of drinking and driving. Not only would the drinker die but the drinker could hit an innocent person if they were drunk driving.
The first reason I believe that the drinking age should be kept at 21 is that some 18 year old people don't know there limits an might over do it and get alcohol poisoning.If they lowered it 18 year old people could go to a bar and keep getting alcohol until the bartender says "I think you have had enough." By then you probably are drunk and since your 18 you probably have a drivers license so you would be drunk driving.Then you would die or be pulled over and get a ticket.
Another reason that it should stay the same is that it would make things worse if they lowered it. It would cause more bad than what was thought to happen. An article says after they raised the age to 21 the accidents and deaths lowered from when the age was 18.
If they were to lower the drinking age to 18 with a permit, it would be stupid. Why would you want to be asked "Can I see your permit sir..."? Taking a class is OK but the permit would be stupid. Going through all that hassle and you could just wait 3 years and get a beer without needing to take out a permit. But some people say it a good thing. They are stupid like the permit idea. Ya they know every thing about alcohol but they are older so they probably wont won't need to take the class or get the permit since they are already educated about it.
The first reason I believe that the drinking age should be kept at 21 is that some 18 year old people don't know there limits an might over do it and get alcohol poisoning.If they lowered it 18 year old people could go to a bar and keep getting alcohol until the bartender says "I think you have had enough." By then you probably are drunk and since your 18 you probably have a drivers license so you would be drunk driving.Then you would die or be pulled over and get a ticket.
Another reason that it should stay the same is that it would make things worse if they lowered it. It would cause more bad than what was thought to happen. An article says after they raised the age to 21 the accidents and deaths lowered from when the age was 18.
If they were to lower the drinking age to 18 with a permit, it would be stupid. Why would you want to be asked "Can I see your permit sir..."? Taking a class is OK but the permit would be stupid. Going through all that hassle and you could just wait 3 years and get a beer without needing to take out a permit. But some people say it a good thing. They are stupid like the permit idea. Ya they know every thing about alcohol but they are older so they probably wont won't need to take the class or get the permit since they are already educated about it.
Lower Drinking Age.... YES !
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By: freethehops |
Drinking Age To 18!
people are talking about how whether we should keep the drinking age at 21 or
lower it to 18. A lot of people think that if they are going to lower the
drinking age, might ad well get a drinking permit also. Another side believes
that they should keep the drinking age at 21 so there will be less accidents
and people dying. I honestly don’t agree with either side. I’m not just saying
this because I’m a kid, but I think the drinking age should be lowered to 18
without the use or need of a permit.
able to sign up for the army is a very big and MATURE step for a lot of people
at the age of 18. So why should they not be able to have a beer, or a glass of
wine? Not to the point of binge drinking, but at least go out and have 1 or 2
drinks. I mean they are risking their lives to save our country, they don’t
have to! So why not let 18 year old people drink? They obviously are mature enough to
handle face to face to death. Why not have a couple beers?
getting a permit doesn’t mean you aren’t going to get into a fight, accident,
etc. Just because you have a permit or take classes to be allowed to drink,
people automatically assume that they are experts at drinking and driving. This
will make more people get into crashes and losing their lives.
reason why I think the drinking age should be lowered is because the law states
that being 18 means you are legally an adult. You are allowed to move out from
your parents LEGALLY at 18. So if they are known for as being adults, why not
let ADULTS drink. Yeah, it may just be a three year difference, but that is
being bias to adults from the ages 18-20.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
I know many of us even all may have lost a best friend. Maybe because you got in a fight maybe because she was talking about you. Either way in your heart a best friend will always be a best friend. Trust me I have had many and when I say many i mean MANY problems with best friend's. I have a best friend right now and shes a keeper. Even though we have our fights here and there that makes us stronger and in the end we'll be best friends forever and look back at our silly arguments and laugh. My best friend is always gonna be my best friend. I want her to be there so long that she will be able to meet my kids. Remember best friends cant be lost. They may be lost in a way but they will always be in your heart.

Monday, May 7, 2012
Imagine being blamed for something you didn't do? That's pretty messed up. That's what they did to the Jews. Its called SCAPEGOAT. The Jews were blamed for everything. The Nazis and Hitler blamed the Jews for the robberies and crimes just because they looked, dressed, and had a different life style. Hitler wanted to kill every single Jew or person that weren't blonde and didn't have blue eyes. That's wrong and that's scapegoat. For example if my money was missing and I blamed an African American just because they have a different skin color. That is scapegoat.
Describe Propaganda:
-big nosed
-star of David
-red eyes
-taking over the world
Fear: because Jews are taking over the whole world
danger: the Jews are going to destroy the whole world (everything)
BIG L: Lie,The whole world
LIE: they aren't going to destroy everyone
REPETITION: danger,fear
Photo Credit By: English Answer Man |
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