A perfect friend is like your own personal star. You don't always see them but you know there always going to be there. Through thick and thin no matter what they stick by your side. They won't let anyone or anything get between your friendship. There the other half of you and will never leave you alone even when you want them to.
A perfect friend will be there with you through the worst. The one who wipes your tears away and gives you their shoulder to cry on. They give you their hand to help pick you up and put you back together when you break apart. They give you that hug that you need without you even asking. When your in pain there in pain and when your friends are doing all they can to help you smile again, there out there trying to stop and beat down what made you upset in the first place.
They are the ones who know something is wrong even when your fooling all your other friends with your fake smile. Their the ones you do things with for the first time. They understand you like no one else and even understand you just by looking at you.
When your together you even annoy other people with all your insiders. When they don't come to school you feel abandoned.
There the ones you do the craziest things with because you can be yourself completely around them. You can do things you wouldn't dare do with other people with them. When your with them you don't need a matching bracelet, neckless or shirt for people to know your bestfriends. You have that friendship that reminds people of the times they have with their bestfriend. Or even the friendship they wish they had.
When people try stealing them away you really don't even have to worry for a second because they are so true that they wouldn't leave you. You have the most fun with them because they bring out the best of you. From the laughs you can't stop to the comfortanble silence thats a perfect friend.
They except every flaw about you, care about you and love you with all their heart and can be trusted with your life. There the most fun to be with and I'm extremely lucky to have a person like that in my life otherwise known as my bestfriend.
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