Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Perfect Day!

The perfect day for me would be crazy.Everything would have to go my way.I'd have to be happy the whole day and nothing would hurt me physacally or mentally.I'm going to show step by step of what my perfect day would be like.

My perfect day has to be in the summer with no school becuase I hate school.So when I wake up it would be sunny and hot.The perfect time to wake up would be at ten o'clock.Breakfast would be waffels ,pancakes,eggs,bacon and suasage,gritts or oatmeal that my mom makes,and fresh milk.

Then I would  go swimming with my friends and win all the games that we play such as colors ,marco polo,and tag team races.After swimming I'd hop in that hot shower for a good 30 minutes while my family is barbequeing.Right when I get out the shower ,the plate filled with hot links,ribs,and barbeque chicken is already waiting for me.All I have to do is get a ice cold sprite out the cooler.

When it starts to get dark,I get on Modern Warfare 3 and go ham.I'd play about 15 matches online.And in all those matches I never get lower then a ten point zero kill death ratio.To raise my  K.D to  2.03.Then after,order some pepperonni pizza with some hot wings.Thats a perfect day for me.

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