Saturday, December 3, 2011

Plastic Surgery.

I always thought that plastic surgery was a great thing for older people who wanted to get a "face lift" or just wanted to have stronger cheek muscles. What people don't know is that whenever someone has a bad plastic surgery their face can't go back to the way it was before. Kim Kardashian was one of the lucky ones who got even more prettier after cosmetic surgery. What people don't know is that every night she has to wear a special face cream so her face won't get droopy.
Also it makes your eyes look puffy just like in this article Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong.
Her eyes and lips look like she is an alien. Also if you scroll down the page more you will see that sometimes plastic surgery is a good thing in the pictures, but when you look at the comments people complain that it gives you head aches and if you get plastic surgery on your eyes 7 out of 10 chances is that you will have bad eye vision, not blind, but just bad.
Just like the lady in the picture, she had very pretty skin but then she ruined it with plastic surgery on her lips, cheeks, and nose.

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