Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gaahhhh! whats wrong with your face!?!

If you were to get plastic surgery would you feel comfortable with having an artificial face? what if your result made you look horrifying or you got a nose job like Micheal Jackson or Jocelyn Wildenstein which looks like a deformed cat. Also I thinks it's better if you stay the way you were made, because honestly who wants artificial skin on their face that just creeps me out. But it's also just a shortcut to letting me know that i don't want to be friends with you, I like to keep my temples clean. Jocelyn Wildstiens creepy face right here


  1. Dang that is freaking scary. I would rather look at Lord Voldermorts or Jigsaw's face any day. They don't give me nightmares but are really weird and creepy.

  2. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of beauty. Sometimes it doesn't work out so well, I guess.
