Improving yourself can go both ways in good or bad. Depending on the way your improving yourself is the difference between right and wrong improvements.
I believe that if you have something wrong with you like a disability and you need surgical help or for example a fake leg than thats absouletly fine because you're getting the sugery to help you function better and live life easier.
On the other hand theres people that go and get like tummy tucks, butt implants, facial surgery and many other dumb unnecisssay surgies and I think thats wrong. When you do that thats like disrespecting god and telling him hes wrong for making you the way you are.
Everyones made differnet and unique and when you go out and do surgeries like that then you're going against that. People need to get over the fact that they don't like something about themselves and just deal with it like everyone else.
Everbody has there different opinions on improving yourself like the website below on wiether plastic surgery is beauty or beast.
I'm almost positive that everyone has something about themselves that they wish they could change because no ones perfect so instead of fixing yourself and making yourself fake just deal with it and be thankful of what you have and who you are. Don't cheat life but value it.