Friday, September 30, 2011

A Part Of Everyday Life

So in class we talked about being nice and how we can change the world by it. Were supposed to think of something to do over the next few days and see how people react. I think that I'm just going to be usual self because I'm always nice (or at least I think so). Being nice just makes the day easier, it makes life easier. An assignment in class shouldn't make us be nice to people for a couple days it should be part of life. Even the simple things such as a friendly smile or gesture of thank you can lighten up peoples day and make them think different and mabe even bring up thier mood. Just the smallest thing can chane a lot. So as I always try to do (something to keep in mind), smile and be happy because not only does it bring your day up but those around you. So don't be rude because you wouldn't like for someone to be rude to you, and do whats right or kind.

Being Nice is Very Nice

One way that would make the world a nicer place is for everyone to wave at everyone and say hi to everyone that looks like there in a good mood. Don't make it look like your doing it for giggles. Do it for the sake of a nicer world.

Changing the World by Being Nice

Being nice is essential because, you wouldn't want to be treated badly why do it to others. You can probably save the world by doing at least one nice thing a day. Imagine if you saw a guy in a suit sitting there hungry and he asked for some of your food what would you do? What if you gave it to him and He was just testing you to see how nice people really are and he decides to give away his millions to kids in Africa and thanks you for it. As for me I'm going to see how nice I can be for the next week. I'm going to give out random sincere comments and see how there day goes.

Be happy:) Be nice!

I know people may be really mean to you sometimes, but that doesn't mean you also have to be mean. Sometimes when someone is being mean to someone else I get mad because its sad seeing some one be mean to another person. Just be nice and learn to control your anger. It may be hard sometimes but then you get used to it and you feel good when you do a good deed. I think its really important to be nice because if your not nice then people aren't going to be nice to you either. Just follow this quote "Treat people the way you want to be treated."That quote helps me a lot. I am going to try and do a good deed to a person every day. I am going to help my neighbor with her outside work because she is elderly and she needs help with her yard. Every day I am going to be nice and compliment people with good compliments.

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Sometimes being nice makes people look at you in a different way. If you just smile at someone it will show that you are really happy and a very nice person. Even if sometimes the person you are being nice to isn't being nice back at least you tried. Just remember that in your world you will always be a very nice person. Like in this blog: Happy Smiles Ripple Like Sunshine.
Too be a nicer person you should just wave at someone-and mean it-not only will they know you mean it but you will get that bubbly feeling inside where you feel,"WOW that was great." And no not like Frosted Flakes. But yes sometimes people may think,"Um why is this stranger waving at me?" And they might even give you a bad finger, but still at least you know that you tried. Also if you are crossing the street and cars are honking, don't yell back. Just keep walking and wave at the cars that didn't honk in regards to saying,"Thank You." If someone is actually nice enough to say something back that doesn't mean you have to have a conversation with a complete stranger, just smile and politely look away. Like if you are stuck i traffic on the freeway and you have to get over into the next lane, if a car lets you over then look back and wave and smile. Something nice to know you actually are saying thank you. I call it "Car language."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blogging Isn't That Boring !(:

This year in Mr.Vega's 8Th grade English class we will be blogging on a website called "Blogger."
Some people won't go on after the school year is over, and others might. If your one of those ones that will then don't mess up this blog! Even though certain people may think blogging is kind of boring, I myself think it is very entertaining. For a couple of reasons, 1 is because you get to see what other people have on their minds. 2Nd because you get to say what is on your mind! Well yeah that is why I like this blogging thing.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Blogging Must Die

Judging from this first round of posts from the Writers With Academic Genius, you all might be able to relate to this young lady.
Honestly I not too exited about the idea of blogging but its for a grade. Besides maybe i could work on my typing skills or something, and as for the next 8 months I kinda hope nothing boring to blog about like grammar or politics but i think we are going to blog about English related topics. Hopefully it wont be about our life or how our day was because that wouldn't help anyone in my opinion. But I think it will be better than last year, or maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Blogging is kind of fun but doing it all year in school now that just makes it kind of boring but not a lot . I don't know maybe it might be really fun. I hope its fun all year.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


In the next eight months I think we will blog about topics we talk about in class and our opinions on things. I'm excited to write about what I think of things and see what people think and have to say. The only thing is I hope we have interesting topics to post about so my first time at this isn't remembered as boring but fun and acedamic.

Blogging can be fun in a way :)

We have to do this blog and I really don't like it but it really will help us in the future if we do other blogs. This will be a good experience for per.5 English.It may be boring but I can live with it. Not all blogs are going to be boring some can actually be kind of fun in a way. Period 5 is already an accelerated but we can be even more accelerated if we learn how to do new things. I'm looking forward to posting more blogs.
It really doesn't matter to me for one reason.It doesn't matter to me because i'm never blogging again after I pass this class.The only reason i'm blogging now is for an English class .Out of the whole experience I feel like my typing skills .

blog post about blogging

This year we are entering the "blogosphere" in English. This doesn't really excite me for two reasons. The first reason, I'm not really good with computers and rather not type but, I guess this is what my English teacher is making us do this for, so we can enhance our skills. Reason number two is after this year is over I'm probably not going to use Blogger again.